Anyone else hold their parents hands still?

King Luther Martin
4 min readMar 8, 2021
Beauty at maximum

The museum. It could appear to be fascinating and indulging experience but maybe not for everyone. A bright Sunday afternoon in the middle of summer holidays, nothing better than spending time with the family and cousins.

Walking through the abstractedly designed building, pillars and slates of rock emerging from everywhere I looked. It was bewildering, and that was only the outside of the building. When walking through the glistening glass doors we saw a blue whale hanging from above. At that moment I realised how beautiful the ocean and marine life is. Unfortunately for me, we were only going in to see the horrendous and terrifying “cat gods,” which was what I called the Egyptians when I was younger. There were so many issues with this, firstly we had to pass by the Huge dinosaurs I saw in story books and the substantially large mammoths with sharp tusks that could pierce through anything. I closed my eyes to gain some courage and race to pass the prodigious remains of the ancient monsters. But when I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see my family or anyone that I had come into the museum with.

I wasn’t phased at first because I knew my parents wouldn’t leave me, one minutes passes. Then two. Then five. Then 20, it had been 20 minutes and I started to panic. I started to wander around while tiny droplets streamed down my face. I turn a corner and reached the place of the “cat gods.” I was amazed that I was able to find my parents and family, but they weren’t there I was heartbroken. Did they leave me, I thought to myself. I kept walking, trying to find my lost parents until I was at the entrance of the museum again, I walked around for another 10 minutes, and I was at the entrance once more. I was shocked I started to sob harder, then slowly I got louder, to the point where people were staring at me while they walked past. It had been roughly an hour since I last saw my parents. Loud footsteps approached and a menacing shadow followed.

A security guard came up to me and asked if I was alright, Embarrassingly I went up and hugged him, rubbing all of my snot on his top while I wiped my tears with his white shirt. I shook my head. His response surprised me tremendously, he picked me up and popped me on his shoulders and took me to the information desk, he walked slowly and smoothly, it made me feel safe and warm. I sat there at the information desk with thinking of the scenes I had scenes in cartoons where the parents abandoned their own children for some sacrificial reason, and for some reason I had scenes a lot of cartoons that showcased it. The loud ringing of the phone and the screeching of the office chair wheels entertained me for a while. The cinema exit was right around the corner and a movie had finished. Hundreds of people packed into a tight space, like a herd of lambs. I tried to remember key features of my parents. My mum had a high ponytail and my dad was wearing a bright yellow top. But what I saw first was very different.

I saw my older sister running out, with her 3D movie glasses hanging from her ears, about to fall off. Followed by her was my cousins, I jumped off the hard and uncomfortable desk and ran to my sister. She had tears rolling down her face, but I couldn’t tell if it was from the movie they just watched or if it was from finding me. Nonetheless, we were both glad to be with each other. My family scurried along behind everyone. I saw they huge smiles. They were glad they found me. I was able to reunite with them, and I saw the “cat gods,” even if it was without my family. The museum was still terrifying and I to this day I hope I don’t have to go there. The last thing I remember from that day was my mum standing with the sun shining against her teeth shimmered as she smiled and said “I will never let go of you again.”

Why did I choose this?

My first idea before getting it directly shut down by, no one else by the awesome English teacher was actually writing about a tough exam. It was actually something that most of the class wanted to do (probably because it was easy). However, after thinking about it, I am glad that I chose this topic because this was a very personal issue to me. I have this problem ever since this incident, and it is to never let go of my parents’ hands when we are in a crowed public place I don’t know why, but I feel comfortable and warm (I know its embarrassing at this age, but I still get scared). I am a very closed person, and this made me feel much more open, although it is small it is a start.



King Luther Martin

Never caught King Luther Martin lacking 🤪